Joey Reyes is a cellist, composer, and live coder who has scored art installations, restorative yoga workshops, theatrical works, and nature films. His live performances are enrapturing, described by the Austin American Statesman as “simultaneously soothing and supernatural, and absolutely worth witnessing.”

This is music to feel deeply. It’s the plunge into cold water, a sunlit room, a little altar of shells, incense, minerals, and other things from the earth. Wonder, longing, healing, and closure crash in an unfathomably expansive gulf, but the places where those waves collide and eddy are the liminal spaces evoked by these musical constructions.

Joey Reyes has performed at SXSW, New Media Art and Sound Summit, and Levitation Fest, and he has collaborated with Little Mazarn, Thor Harris, Future Museums, Bill Baird, Tan Cologne, and many more.